Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ricoooooo, Dioso (Bill?), and Angelica :)‏

Hey everyone!!!  So this week was pretty much awesome and full of some crazy times :)

First off the Taguig Zone had our zone activity last P-day which was pretty darn fun.  We spent a lot of time filling up water balloons and then played Dungeons and Dragons with them until it got too boring and everyone just started chucking water balloons at each other.  I hid safely inside of the chapel with my companion and Sister Faka'osi so our clothes remained dry :)  We then played hide-and-go-seek and ordered Pizza Hut Pizza (Ssooooo gooood!!:) 
The next day was our Zone Training so our whole zone was together again and yeah... that was about all the excitement that happened that day.
Last Wednesday we did service for some of the elders' investigators.  We cleared a huge field of weeds.  It was really hard work actually and my legs are still sore from it.  I was using a sickle to cut the weeds, and then I almost took out a plant with it.... haha, it was great.  
So the best part about our week was definitely our investigators.  First there's Rico... We met Rico on Saturday the 11th after teaching our investigator Dioso (Bill?).  He was waiting for us to finish our lesson with Dioso to meet with us.  He told us he was searching for the truth and honestly seemed like a golden investigator.  He went on to tell us a few things that made a red flag appear in Sis. Doucette's head: 1) He asked us about proxy baptisms (who knows about that outside of Mormon's?) and 2) He asked us if we were allowed to listen to other religions.  So he texted us over the next few days and we kind of ignored him because our phone is NOT for "fun texting" and then it all came out when we tried to set up an appointment with him... He said, and I quote (except it was sa tagalog), "Haven't you guessed by now?... Hahaha!... my religion is Inglesia ni Cristo!!"  Inglesia ni Cristo is a wonderful religion, I'm sure, that is very popular here in the Philippines and was actually formed by a man who used to be mormon.  Long story short, he wanted us to come and either debate with him over religion or be converted to his church.  Obviously we dropped him as a potential investigator and Sister Doucette is still trying to get over "Rico: Our Golden Investigator."  :)
  So then there's Dioso (Bill?)... Apparently his name is not Dioso... it's Bill.... or at least, that's how he introduced himself to our ward missionary Raymond.  Can't wait to see what this week has in store for us and "Bill."
Finally, there is Angelica. :)  After being so, so, so nervous for her baptismal interview she made it through and will be getting baptized this upcoming Saturday!!!  We're so excited for her!!!  It's perfect timing too, because I'm 99.9% positive I'm transferring out of this area in a week and a half.  I love Angelica so much!!!  She's been through so much with what happened in Tacloban and having to leave her family behind.  She's grown so much in the gospel and will be an awesome member of the church!  Sister Doucette and I will be bearing our testimonies with her after her baptism to help her not feel so nervous (did I mention she is really shy and get's nervous easily?)  :)  
Well... that's all for this week.  Until next week!!
Love, Sister Dickison
(P.S. I also ate chicken feet at a funeral last week... good times... )

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